Go Router Auth
Read code to understand.
1.Look pubspec for all dependencies.
cli command to run build runner
dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
2.App Structure
Onboard -> Login -> Home
3.Riverpod ProviderContainer
//ProviderContainer : If you want to use listen to provider without consumer widget,
// and override specific scope of widget tree
final container = ProviderContainer();
//Initiate SharedPreferences Storage
container.listen(storageProvider, (prev, next) {});
//Initiate GoRouter Redirection Logic
container.listen(routerRedirectorProvider, (prev, next) {});
parent: container,
child: const MyApp(),
routerConfig: router,
// Listens to auth and onboarding provider and rebuilds gorouter whenever they change.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
Future routerRedirector(RouterRedirectorRef ref) async {
final onboarded = ref.watch(onboardedProvider);
final authenticated = ref.watch(authenticationProvider).value ?? false;
myConfig.value = _generateRoutingConfig(
authenticated: authenticated,
onboarded: onboarded,
final ValueNotifier<RoutingConfig> myConfig = ValueNotifier<RoutingConfig>(
_generateRoutingConfig(authenticated: false, onboarded: false),
final GoRouter router = GoRouter.routingConfig(
navigatorKey: AppRouter.rootNavigatorKey,
routingConfig: myConfig,
initialLocation: AppRouter.onboard,
// If (not Onboarded) : go to onboarding
// If (onboarded) and (not authenticated) : (go to login) or (else go to home)
// If (not Authenticated) and (going to one of the auth routes), (let it go)
// If (not Authenticated) and (not going to one of the auth routes), (redirect to login)
// If (Authenticated) and (going to one of the auth routes), (redirect to home)
// If (Authenticated) and (not going to one of the auth routes), (let it go)
RoutingConfig _generateRoutingConfig({required bool authenticated, required bool onboarded}) {
return RoutingConfig(
redirectLimit: 100,
redirect: (context, state) async {
debugPrint('-> -> -> ${state.uri} ${state.isAuth} auth:$authenticated onboard:$onboarded}');
if (!onboarded) return AppRouter.onboard;
if (state.match(AppRouter.onboard)) return authenticated ? AppRouter.home : AppRouter.login;
if (!authenticated && !state.isAuth) return AppRouter.login;
if (!authenticated && state.isAuth) return null;
if (authenticated && state.isAuth) return AppRouter.home;
if (authenticated && !state.isAuth) return null;
return null;
routes: <RouteBase>[
if (authenticated) ...Home.routes,
if (!authenticated) ...Auth.routes,
if (!onboarded) ...Onboard.routes,